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Equipment Rental Inspection

How to double damage collections while strengthening your customer relationships

Stomaching equipment rental damage doesn’t need to be a ‘cost of doing business’

Many rental operators think equipment damage is just ‘the cost of doing business’. They rely heavily on their best customers for revenue, and they want to build long-term relationships. When equipment comes back damaged, some operators think they can’t or shouldn’t be charging for equipment damage because it will jeopardize the relationship and push the business away.

This is a false tradeoff. Operators think this way because, historically, they’ve never had good enough equipment condition documentation to have a non-confrontational conversation with a customer about damage. When you don’t have good documentation, telling a customer they’re being charged for damage naturally causes tension and frustration. Customers will say: “How do you know it wasn’t like that when you gave it to me? Where’s the proof that it wasn’t damaged on the truck?”.

Having conversations about equipment damage without documentation is also tough on your team. It’s nerve-racking for a rep to have to tell the customer they’ll be receiving an invoice for damage when they have no actual proof. Your sales and customer service want to be building relationships with your customers, not fighting with them over damage.

Operators don’t need to make a tradeoff between eating equipment rental damage costs or fighting with the customer

The best heavy equipment rental operators we’ve seen realize that you don’t have to decide between eating the cost or fighting with the customer. When you have good documentation, it builds a relationship of trust and accountability with your customer. Customers feel like they’re being treated fairly because they know they won’t get charged for something they didn’t cause. Documentation also incentivizes the customer to take better care of the asset because they know they’ll be held accountable if damage does occur.

Good documentation also gives your team peace of mind that they’re not about to enter a fight with the customer when they notify them of damage. Sharing clear before and after videos and pictures takes the heat out of the conversation. When customers see clear evidence of the damage they will generally pay without protest. Even if you decide not to charge for the damage, you’re now able to tell the customer directly that you haven’t charged them for it, which helps you build credits in your relationship with them.

Heavy equipment rental operators should follow best practices to rapidly collect on damage without conflict

When damage occurs, the best rental operators we’ve seen follow clear best practices to get paid quickly for damage and avoid confrontation with customers.

Damage doesn’t need to be a ‘cost of doing business’

1. The customer should always receive a copy of the inspection report when the equipment is checked out.

This sets the expectation that you care about damage and encourages them to take good care of the equipment. It also builds trust because they know they’re not going to be charged for pre-existing damage. The best way to implement this is to have Record360 automatically send an inspection summary to the customer on check-out.

2. You should inspect equipment immediately when it gets back in your yard

If you wait too long to do your check-in inspection, customers will argue that the damage occurred on your lot, not theirs. Build a practice of doing inspections within 2-4 hrs of the equipment returning to the lot, ideally immediately after it’s unloaded.

3. If equipment comes back damaged, you should notify the customer immediately.

This manages expectations with the customer well. Even if you don’t have an estimate prepared, they can see that equipment damage has occurred, and they expect an additional invoice for damage.

The best way to do this is by having an alert for new damage in your check-in inspection that notifies the rental coordinator so they can send the inspection summary to the customer immediately.

4. It matters how you have a conversation with the customer.

You don’t want to poke customers in the eye about equipment damage. Frame the conversation gently – “You might not be aware this happened, but it looks like the equipment was damaged. No worries. Our team is preparing an estimate for repairs that will be sent along with your final invoice.”

5. When you send the invoice for damage, include the inspection summary.

This gives the customer confidence you’re not unfairly charging them – they have a clear record of damage attached to the invoice so they know what they’re paying for.

The best way to do this is to download a PDF inspection summary from the Record360 dashboard with images of the damage selected.

From dents to ripped-off doors, rental damage doesn’t have to be a cost of doing business. With consistent documentation, you can more easily charge customers for damage and build trust with them in the process.

Interested in learning more about Record360? Schedule a demonstration today.

How to minimize exposure and bulletproof your operations


Leading rental law expert, James Waite, joined Record360’s CEO, Jesse Buckingham, for a conversation on rental contracts, damage waivers, and using tech to minimize the pain and cost of litigation. Read on below for a summary of How to minimize exposure and bulletproof operations. This insightful conversation draws on James’ 25+ years of experience in rental law.


  • Why are bulletproof rental contracts so important? (5m 47s)
  • What are some of the most common gaps in rental contracts? (8m 28s)
  • What are best practices for collecting signatures on contracts? (14m 33s)
  • How can I use technology to reduce time and cost of litigation? (24m 30s)
  • How can I use Record360 to reduce my legal exposure? (26m 30s)
  • What are best practices for damage waivers? (37m 44s)

The conversation began with a question for James on the importance of having a bulletproof rental contract. From James’ perspective, rental operators are exposed to a wide range of legal risks (e.g., misuse, damage, valid signatures). These risks have to be “dealt with in very specific ways in order to provide the protections necessary…without those protections it’s anyone’s guess where things will land [in a lawsuit],” said James.

The law, “by default, will side with the lessee,” based on the Uniform Commercial Codes. This is why it’s critical that rental operators layer on the necessary legal protections in their rental contracts. Otherwise, disputes will be costly and typically end in favor of the lessee.

When James works with his clients, he sees a number of gaps in their current rental contracts that leave them exposed. James said that many people get their rental contract from “a guy down the street or a forms website, and they don’t really know where the contract originated.” He goes on to say that “almost none of them have all of the protections that should be afforded to an equipment lessor.” That’s why having a rental contract written for you by someone like James is an essential part of any rental business.

Whether it’s a rental contract from a forms website or from the guy down the street…almost none of them have the protections an equipment lessor needs

As the conversation turned to best practices for collecting signatures, James pointed out that, “like it or not, technology is taking over.” “One of the ways technology is helping,” he said, “is that equipment lessors can get documents to someone they know actually has authority to sign.” Previously, rental operators might’ve settled for having just anyone sign for the equipment. Now, operators can, and should, be more diligent with who they have sign for the equipment. This is a critical first step in minimizing exposure.

For James, it’s all about minimizing exposure for his clients. Getting a proper signature from an authorized signer is just the first part of the equation. He also encourages renters to use geolocation and date and time stamped photos/video to eliminate other questions. Being able to verify time, location, and condition of equipment “can save people thousands of dollars in legal fees” if a lawsuit occurs. Litigation is painful enough as is, that’s why James encourages rental operators to leverage technology (e.g., Record360’s inspection software) to “lower their legal bill.”

This is the core of James’ playbook for minimizing exposure and bulletproofing operations. It starts with him drafting a best-in-class rental agreement. Next, it’s on the rental operator to collect a signature from an authorized signer. Finally, rental operators need to diligently document their equipment with photos, videos, geolocation, and date/time stamps. This combination reduces exposure, increases odds of winning a lawsuit, and also accelerates the lawsuit. It’s a winning combination for any equipment renter.

Interested in learning more about Record360? Schedule a demonstration today.

How to scale your heavy equipment rental business


Record360’s CEO, Jesse Buckingham, was joined by Shaun Brown from Kimball Equipment and Ken Allen from Mammoth Machinery for a lively, informative discussion on How to 10x your heavy equipment rental revenue. Shaun and Ken have a combined 40+ years of experience in equipment rental.

They shared their wisdom and experience on topics such as developing a customer service culture, overcoming hiring challenges, and growing revenue by leveraging technology.


  • How do you start to scale a rental business? (5m 32s)
  • How can I develop a culture of customer service? (21m 3s)
  • How can I develop partnerships to grow revenue? (27m 35s)
  • How do I find good blue-collar workers? (30m 50s)
  • How can I grow revenue by leveraging technology? (36m 31s)
  • How do I bill customers for damage and preserve the relationship? (43m 52s)

Shaun and Ken were adamant that revenue growth begins with an outstanding customer experience. Ken encouraged listeners to ask themselves if “customer service is embedded in your culture and behavior…Is it in your culture from the yard guys up to the owners?” This looks like responding to your customers’ needs and responding to them quickly. Shaun and Ken have seen this become an overwhelming differentiator in recent years. As Shaun said yesterday, “The start of the magic formula is giving your customers exactly what they need as soon as possible.”

The start of the magic formula is giving your customers exactly what they need, as soon as possible.

With unemployment exceeding 10% in the U.S., you’d be surprised to hear about rental operators’ challenges when hiring new people. It’s gotten harder to find good, blue-collar workers. As Ken said, “nobody is growing up these days saying they want to be a diesel mechanic or a field service tech.”

So, how have Shaun and Ken still managed to bring top talent into their businesses? Shaun said it’s all about “culture and growth.” “The culture has to be somewhere people want to work,” and you need to “give people the chance to grow.” Ken added that “you have to adapt to today’s workforce” and “Millennials and Gen Xers require flexibility in their schedule.” Culture, growth opportunity, and flexibility are what Shaun and Ken have relied on to bring in top-tier talent. In turn, this talent has become a cornerstone of their revenue-growth strategy.

Rental leaders like Shaun and Ken have also used technology to grow revenue. Whether GPS tracking or modernizing their rental inspections, keeping their equipment in like-new condition has been critical to revenue growth. You can “build your brand by keeping your machines looking great,” said Ken. Ken says you can do this most easily by “improving damage recovery with technology.”

One component of this, for Shaun and Ken, has been Record360. Before Record360, they used digital cameras with SD cards to photograph their machines. Now, their rental inspections are cloud-based, mobile, and easily searchable through Record360’s platform. Their techs can snap photos and videos on their phones, and the photos are immediately available on Record360 for anyone in the office. Whether it’s Record360, GPS tracking, or a rock-solid RMS, great technology has become table stakes for high-growth rental operations.

Interested in learning more about Record360? Schedule a demonstration today.