Trucks are held to much higher standards than ordinary vehicles because of safety concerns, the potential for considerable expenses in accidents, and other reasons.

As such, it is no surprise that the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) requires tests and inspections specially designed for commercial vehicles.

One of these is the CDL pre-trip inspection. This article will examine what drivers need to know when planning for it and how Record360 can help.

What to Expect

If your company is preparing for a CDL pre-trip inspection, there is nothing to worry about. The benefits of having all your paperwork in order will far outweigh the effort you need to put in.

In most cases, inspecting your truck before driving will take about 15 minutes. The inspection must be logged for review and audit purposes.

Common Issues/Key Areas to Focus On

While every vehicle has its areas that need a closer look based on the area, the nature of the load, and the weather conditions, the following are some of the common issues you need to look at:

  • Front of the truck
  • Engine compartment
  • Front of the truck/tractor
  • Brakes
  • Wheels/tires
  • Rear of truck
  • Coupling area
  • Trailer
  • Truck exterior
  • Cab check

Each of these areas has specifications that you need to consider. However, from a safety point of view, every part of the CDL pre-trip inspection is equally important.

Record360 Can Help

Do you find meeting all the FMCSA pre-trip checklist requirements daunting? You are not alone. Many customers feel the same, so they come to Record360 for help.

Record360 digitizes checklists for inspections to help save you time and reduce human error.

Record360 offers the following:

Customer Satisfaction

You can enjoy 100% customer satisfaction. You pay for what you get, and in a world full of unreliable service providers, that is a rare quality all truck drivers must exploit.

Professional Service

Record360 provides tailored solutions for each business’s compliance, safety, and performance needs.

When you decide to regain control of your company’s growth direction, visit the Record360 website and request a demo.