12 locations nationally
Trucks, tractors, and trailers
250+ employees
The Background
A medium and heavy duty commercial truck rental and leasing company, TCI Leasing had to manage rental agreements and asset condition across ten locations.
Between our rental and leased units, we have about 2,500 medium and heavy duty commercial trucks that we oversee across ten locations. Each location has a rental agent tasked with managing day-to-day rental operations, which includes everything from taking reservations and managing contracts to documenting a truck’s conditions when it leaves the lot and after it’s returned.
The Problem
The TCI Leasing team used paper documentation, a process that left much to interpretation and often left the company paying for customer-created vehicle damage.
We had the classic small piece of paper with a truck outline to help us document a truck’s condition before it left a location. When rental agents made small marks to the diagram, it left so much up to interpretation. The marks couldn’t begin to explain the nature of the damage or how extensive it really was.
We would send invoices to customers to recoup the cost of damage repairs and we would always get push back. It was too easy for a customer to “win” the dispute because we had no way of showing them exactly how the truck looked before it was rented out.
Digitizing the truck condition review process has removed nearly all condition disputes. Additionally, TCI is benefiting from recouping additional costs, like fuel fees, thanks to better documentation of gauges before and after each rental.
We implemented a process with Record360 that’s been a real game changer. Before any rental, our team goes around the truck 3 times, collecting video, photos of each corner, and any noticeable damage. It’s everything we need to prove how the truck left the lot.
We used to have multiple back-and-forth conversations with customers when trucks were returned with damage. Thanks to Record360 documentation, there’s nothing to argue about since we have high-quality photo and video documentation. And, we’re really saving in other areas too. By taking pictures of things like the fuel gauge, we can make sure we’re charging customers for bringing back trucks with less gas.
Record360 used to be in just a couple of our locations. When I saw how valuable it was, I made sure we rolled it out across the company.
See why thousands of people across the world use Record360.
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